Jojoba Oil(65ml)
Made of 100% jojoba oil for moisturizing and cleansing
Weak acidic and non-silicon hair/body shampoo
Power Up Lotion(100ml)
Spray any part of your body you feel anxious before/after playing sports
Crystal Coins (6 coins each in a bag)
Coins made of crystal which are input vibrational energy. Place the coins onto the point with sticky tape where you feel weak or acupressure points referred to the instruction attached to the product. -
Crystal Coins small size (20 coins in a box)
Suitable for arms and legs
Crystal Tension Belt (M or L size, 24 coins in a belt)
It fits onto your body well. It is breathable and washable (coins should be taken out before wash). -
Mesh belt with crystal coins/Mesh belt with crystal coins Small
Mesh belt having high breathability for waist
With 12 coins/24coins/204 small coins